Kunovice, Czech Republic
Folk ensemble of songs and dances

Handrlak – folk ensemble of songs and dances

Handrlak works in Kunovice in the Czech Republic, heart of folklore region called Slovacko.

The ensemble was formed in 2001 and it originated from children group Handrlacek established as early as in 1986. Then it was based by Ludmila Habartova who unfortunately tragically died in 2007.

Its name Handrlak was taken after a person who used to wander around villages collecting ragged clothes and giving in exchange cups, mugs and plates. This person was called “hadrar” and later “handrlak”.

Folk ensemble Handrlak deals with folk materials from Dolnacko, Kopanice and Kyjovsko, regions in South-East of Moravia. Its members want to bring back to life old songs, dances, customs and traditions of their country.

Folk traditions and characteristics of the region is kept in performances that show work in fields, folk festivities as new spring welcome, Lent, Easter, harvest ceremonies, Christmas carolling and others.

Group members wear folk costumes that express both richness and poorness of the region. Dancers are accompanied by dulcimer music.

The ensemble represents its region and home town not only in our country (international festivals: Straznice, Cerveny Kostelec, Liptal, Luhacovice, Dolni Lomna, etc.) but also abroad. They performed their art in Poland, Lithuania, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Turkey, France, etc.

Since 2004 folk ensemble of songs and dance Handrlak became independent and it established civil association Handrlak.
Its activities are supported by the town of Kunovice.

Choreographers: Jiri Lucny, Milos Plachy, (Ludmila Habartova)

Leader: Jiri Lucny